Call Center Manager Interview Questions and Answers


Call center manager interview questions plus how to answer to maximize your chances of success.

Call center concept illustration with text call center manager interview.

These are the type of questions to expect in your call center manager interview. Go through the interview answer help and be well prepared to impress as the right job candidate.

10 top call center manager interview questions

1. How do you measure the performance of your team members?

In your interview answer discuss how you do the following:

  • set defined performance metrics, KPIs, targets and goals and clearly communicate these to each team member.  Elaborate on the popular call center metrics you have used such as first call resolution and average handle time
  • monitor and track each team member’s performance based on metrics and targets
  • monitor
    and evaluate team members’ customer interaction and quality of customer
    service through evaluation forms, customer satisfaction surveys,
    reviews and other customer feedback mechanisms
  • conduct regular performance reviews based on defined metrics and targets

2. How do you ensure your team are meeting performance standards?

The following strategies are typically used:

  • set detailed and easy-to-understand standard operating procedures and
    communicate clearly defined performance expectations to each team member
  • empower team members with efficient technology and training
  • put incentives and recognition in place for good performance
  • implement and monitor efficient quality assurance processes to measure performance of team members
  • hold regular and constructive feedback sessions with team members regarding performance
  • provide solutions and resources for improvement where necessary including training and mentoring
  • conduct performance  evaluations that are metrics-based, productive and forward looking

3. How do you motivate and engage your team?

Expect call center manager interview questions that explore your ability to motivate your team. Tried and tested means of motivating call center agents include:

  • having clear performance standards and targets in place and holding regular and constructive feedback sessions
  • providing agents with the right technology and tools
  • recognizing and providing positive feedback on good performance including acknowledging it publicly
  • providing meaningful incentives and rewards for good performance
  • providing growth and development opportunities including training and coaching
  • fostering open communication and a positive workplace culture
  • meeting individual needs where possible with flexible working conditions
  • holding team building sessions and activities

4. How do you improve employee performance?

employers ask call center interview questions like this, they want to understand how you use your
management skills to increase the performance of employees on your team.  In your interview answer include how you:

  • set clear and realistic performance standards and expectations and communicate these to all team members
  • monitor and track performance using data analysis and metrics to identify areas for improvement
  • provide timely, regular and constructive feedback regarding performance
  • identify areas for improvement and develop performance improvement plans to address weaknesses
  • provide resources for improvement including training, coaching, technology and tools
  • encourage team member to work together and support each other in order to learn from each other and achieve common objectives
  • provide incentives and motivation for improvement
  • encourage feedback from team members regarding improvements to processes and procedures

5. Give me an example of when you had to handle a poorly performing team member

This behavioral call center manager interview question is used to evaluate your ability to handle under-performing or difficult call center agents. In your interview answer discuss the following:

  •  the importance of handling the situation in a timely manner
  •  identifying the problem using data, metrics, observation of the
    team member’s interactions and gathering feedback
  • having a formal and private meeting with the team member to provide specific, evidence-based feedback and to ask for their input
  • working together to develop a plan for improvement with clearly defined actions, goals and agreed timelines
  • providing
    necessary resources for successful implementation of the performance improvement plan including training, mentoring and technology
  • tracking and following up on their progress
  • implementing disciplinary action when necessary

6. As a call center manager, handling customer escalations are an
important part of the job. How do you manage difficult issues that
require your intervention?

In your interview answer discuss how you:

  • gather all the necessary
    information about the issue from the team member and get all the
    relevant customer details before beginning the intervention
  • listen carefully to the customer and ensure you have understood the issue
  • apologize for the inconvenience to the customer
  • work with the customer to defuse the situation and find a positive resolution
  • follow up with the customer to ensure that they are satisfied with the outcome
  • fully analyze the situation to understand the root cause and why it happened
  • take action to prevent a similar escalation happening again

7. Introducing change can be challenging. Tell  me about a time you had to introduce changes to improve call center efficiency and performance.

Steps to introducing change successfully include:

  • identify the changes that are needed and develop a plan for implementation
  • communicate the change to team members in a clear and empathetic manner including the reasons for the change, how it will be implemented and the benefits of the changes
  • include the team in the change process by asking for feedback and ideas to ensure better buy-in to the process
  • provide the resources needed for successful implementation of the changes including training, technology and tools
  • monitor the change process and keep the team informed as to the progress of the changes
  • evaluate the success of the changes and share the results with your employees

8. How do you ensure compliance with call center policies and procedures?

Include the following steps in your interview answer:

  • develop and communicate clear policies and processes including the reasons for them
  • ensure the team has a full understanding of the policies and processes
  • train agents on policies and procedures
  • use technology to boost compliance
  • communicate clearly the consequences of non compliance to team members
  • monitor compliance on an ongoing basis through performance evaluations
  • provide feedback and support when necessary
  • monitor policies and processes for effectiveness and make improvements where necessary

9. Staff turnover is an issue in almost all call centers. How do you retain good employees?

This is a tricky call center manager interview question, you can be ready for it by considering the following employee retention information and strategies.

  • the number one reason employees leave a job is remuneration, so it is key to look closely at compensation packages and be competitive
  • recognize good performers and incentivize them with tangible rewards
  • implement non- financial recognition mechanisms that make the employee feel valued
  • provide flexible working conditions where necessary and where possible
  • nurture a culture of personal development by providing training and growth opportunities
  • another reason employees give for leaving is management style, it is important to  build good relationships with individual team members by establishing trust and open communication
  • have regular feedback sessions and individual meetings to identify any issues before they escalate
  • recruitment of the right people is where retention starts, having effective hiring processes in place is key

10. How do you stay current on industry trends and technology and how do you use these to the team’s advantage and to stay competitive?

Ways of staying current include:

  • attend industry conferences and events
  • subscribe to industry publications
  • participate in training and webinars
  • conduct research on latest trends and technology

Use this information to:

  • leverage new technologies and tools to improve call center efficiencies and streamline processes
  • improve customer service standards
  • motivate and engage employees
  • increase profitability by reducing costs and increasing revenue

Common call center manager interview questions

Other common interview questions include:

What are your strengths and weaknesses as a manager?

List of workplace strengths

List of workplace weaknesses

What makes a good manager?

What is your management style?

Management styles

Sample interview answer

Why do you want to work for this company?

Sample interview answers to Why this company?

Why should we hire you?

Sample interview answers

Questions to ask in your call center manager interview

Have some good questions ready to ask the employer.

Manager interview questions and answers

Call center job interviews

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