How CBD Can Transform Your Skincare Routine


Of all the cure-all associations of CBD, skincare is one arena where this cannabinoid actually proves quite effective. Here’s what you need to know.

Of all the medical claims and cure-all associations of CBD, skincare is one arena where this cannabinoid actually proves quite effective. Sure, cannabidiol can be used topically for nerve or joint issues, but on the surface layers of the skin, the compound’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an ideal ingredient for beauty and skincare products. Inflammation is a contributing factor to blemishes, redness, eczema, and many other skin concerns. It’s also a side effect of dry skin in general—the chronic villain in the battle for good skin. The endocannabinoid system (the receptors that interact with cannabinoids when consumed) helps regulate processes like cell turnover and sebum production in our epidermis. Our rate of skin cell turnover slows down as we age, which is why exfoliating products and acids that increase cell turnover advertise anti-aging effects, and imbalanced sebum is what leads to breakouts when skin is too oily or too dry. So a healthy, well-nourished endocannabinoid skin can lead to healthier, more youthful skin.

– Read the entire article at Thrillist.


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