How Barack Obama’s Life as a TCK has Assisted His Presidency > CULTURS — lifestyle media for cross-cultural identity


We all know the United States of America’s 45th president, Barack Obama. However, a lot of people are unaware of his lifestyle as a boy. He spent his early childhood moving from country to country with his mother and never fully settled down in one place. Later, we can reflect on how Obama’s life as a TCK affected his passions and motives to run for president.

Obama's life as a TCK
Barack Obama campaign headshot. Free via Flickr. Photographed by Tyler Driscoll.

Island Hopping

As many people know, Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. He spent six years here before he relocated to Indonesia with his mother who had recently remarried. According to Ryu Spaeth from the New Republic, Obama enjoyed “running around with the children of servants” and practicing Indonesian culture. Although he enjoyed this time, Obama returned back to Hawaii at the age of ten. His mother believed he would benefit educationally from school in Hawaii. Therefore, he attended Punahou School up until graduation in 1979.

Furthered Education

Obama spent time reflecting on his childhood and discovering what being biracial and a Third Culture Kid meant to him. His interests and passion to try and understand himself as a black man in the United States of America led to his educational choices and future career path.

After completing undergrad at Occidental College and Columbia University with a degree in political science, Obama went on to do research and community organization for Chicago’s black South Side. This gave him “his first deep immersion into the African American community he had longed to both understand and belong to,” as he points out in his book “Obama: Promise to Power.” After spending some time working this job, Obama enrolled in Harvard Law School where he excelled socially and academically. The recognition he received increased as he progressed through Harvard. Countless doors opened for Obama, which eventually led to his role as president of the United States.

Into the White House

Obama's life as a TCK
Famous portrait of Obama while in office. Free via Pixels.

After furthering his education and working numerous jobs, Obama ran for and won presidential candidacy in 2008. He ran as the Democratic candidate which helped his campaign due to his diversity. Obama’s diverse background and experiences as a TCK, he had the strengths to appeal to people with all different backgrounds. His diversity helped pull in voters from underrepresented communities and in turn, he secured more votes. Obama states he “was raised as an Indonesian child and a Hawaiian child and as a black child and as a white child, and so what [he] benefited from is a multiplicity of cultures that all fed me.” This diverse way of life significantly impacted the success of his candidacy. In addition, it helped him tackle the measures he took as president.

The White House archives denote that once in the oval office, Obama “signed an Executive Order announcing a government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the federal workforce.” From the beginning, Obama has been taking the experiences from his life as a TCK and applying them to benefiting others in a concrete way. We can see the validity of this statement through the efforts and actions he made as president. This Order is just one example of the many acts Obama put forward to try and make society more equal.

The Impact

If not for his time living in Hawaii and Indonesia as a biracial man, Obama may not’ve been this successful. His ability to use his experiences as a way to benefit others and understand the world more clearly, led to the eight successful years he spent in the White House.


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