Entry Level Sales Interview Questions


These are the entry level sales interview questions to expect. Use the expert interview answer help to prepare for your interview and come across as a confident and committed entry level job candidate.

12 entry level sales interview questions

6 Common Entry Level Sales Interview Questions

Why are you interested in this position?

Have a concise and compelling interview answer ready. Be specific about why this is the right entry level sales role for you. Focus on how your qualifications and knowledge are a good match for the job and showcase your motivation for the job.

Why do you want to work for this company?

Be ready to explain clearly why you are interested in working for this specific organization. Research the company well before your interview and make optimal use of this information in your interview answer.

“I understand this company is about to launch a number of new products. I would like to be a part of this exciting growth.”

“Your company has an outstanding reputation for providing top quality products and I am enthusiastic about playing a part in developing and driving your brand forward.”

Best interview answers to Why this Company?

How has your internship experience prepared you for this job?

The employer will only ask this question if you have listed an internship on your resume so don’t panic if you have no internship experience!

Discuss those responsibilities you had as an intern that apply directly to the sales position. What knowledge and skills did you gain that will be of value in this job? 

Your internship will have enabled you to develop core competencies that are of value in every sales job such as planning, problem solving, professional communication and data management. Study the job posting closely, identify those sales competencies and skills that the employer is looking for and focus on them in your interview answer.

How have your studies/college experience prepared you for this sales job?

Have a clear understanding of the sales role and focus on aspects of your studies that relate directly. These include the relevant knowledge you gained and have applied in assignments and projects, the skills you developed such as meeting deadlines, group and teamwork, verbal and written communication skills and presentation skills.

“The knowledge and academic component have provided me with a solid foundation for understanding sales principles and practices and the application of this knowledge in “real world” projects facilitates my transition into the workplace. Relevant and valuable skills that I have developed during this time include a good working knowledge of digital sales platforms, efficient data management, effective presentation skills and the applicable use of basic business principles.”

You will have had to learn how to manage your time wisely in order to meet course deadlines and effectively manage competing demands and a busy schedule.  You can focus on the skills you developed in order to do this including planning, organizing and prioritizing.

How have your part-time jobs prepared you for this role?

Most students had had some part-time work experience and employers will want to explore what you have gained from this in entry level sales interview questions.

Discuss the transferable skills you have developed that apply to the job opportunity such as:

  • teamwork
  • how to conduct yourself in a professional environment
  • customer service skills
  • how to use your initiative
  • attention to detail
  • communication skills
  • a sense of responsibility
  • reliability

Part-time work also demonstrates that you are good at managing your time as you successfully juggle work and study demands.

Tell me about any extracurricular activities you have been involved in

Employers often ask entry level sales interview questions that explore your involvement in extracurricular or non-core activities.  Engagement in activities outside of school is an indication of your energy and enthusiasm and can include sports, community service, hobbies, the arts, teams and clubs. Consider what you have learned from these activities and the life skills you have developed that may refer directly or indirectly to the job opportunity. These include:

  • teamwork
  • time management
  • goal setting
  • strong work ethic
  • confidence building
  • adaptability

5 Key Entry Level Sales Behavioral Interview Questions

You can expect a number of behavioral interview questions that explore
those competencies that indicate you are a good match for the entry
level sales job. The examples you provide in your behavioral interview
answers can be taken from your academic experience, your extracurricular
activities, internships and part-time jobs.
These are the behaviors employers are most likely to evaluate with their entry level sales interview questions.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Describe a recent group project you worked on, what was your role and how did you contribute to achieving the objective?

In your interview answer focus on how you:

  • volunteered input and responded constructively to how it was received
  • respected the needs and contributions of other group members
  • contributed to and accepted the consensus of the group
  • supported group decisions 
  • recognized and built on others’ ideas and strengths

Planning and Organizing

Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you complete all your work?

How were you able to balance your school work with extracurricular activities?

In your interview answer focus on:

  • setting priorities
  • establishing objectives and deadlines
  • scheduling activities
  • efficiently using all the resources at your disposal

Persuasiveness and Sales Ability

Describe a situation where you tried to gain support for an idea or decision, how did you go about trying to persuade others towards the outcome you wanted?

In your interview answer focus on how you:

  • determined the best way to approach the situation
  • used the appropriate interpersonal and communication style and method for the situation
  • demonstrated the value of your idea or decision
  • anticipated, acknowledged and dealt effectively with concerns and objections
  • gained commitment

Problem Solving and Judgment

Describe a recent tough problem you faced, how did you resolve it?

The interviewer is checking both what you consider to be a major
problem and how you manage problems. In your interview answer focus on:

  • ensuring you have all the relevant information
  • considering all the pertinent facts
  • identifying the underlying issues and causes of the problem
  • considering the pros and cons of different ways of handling the problem
  • committing to the most appropriate action to take


Resilience and dealing with rejection is key to success in many jobs, particularly sales.

Tell me about a time you spent a lot of time and effort on a project, a presentation or similar and you received an unfavorable reaction. What did you do?

The key to demonstrating resilience is your ability to handle disappointment or rejection while maintaining enthusiasm, performance and effectiveness.

Entry Level Sales Interview Questions that explore your motivation for the job

The interviewer wants to know what motivates and drives you.

What are some of your recent goals and what have you done to achieve them?

your interview answer focus on specific, clear-cut  goals that you had
to work hard to achieve. The interviewer is not expecting
“change-the-world” type goals but rather realistic short term objectives

Good examples include:

  • learning a new skill, tool or technology
  • gaining experience in a particular area
  • improving current performance

Other entry level sales interview questions that explore what motivates you include:

What have you found most satisfying about your course?

What have you disliked most about your college experience?

Entry Level Marketing Interview Questions

Standard Entry Level Sales Interview Questions

Expect standard job interview questions including:

Tell me about yourself

Why should we hire you?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

15 essential entry level job interview questions with good sample interview answers.

All Sales Interview Questions

Your Entry Level Sales Job Application

Best entry level cover letter example.

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