‘Doni and Rhonda, Our Stories’ > CULTURS — lifestyle media for cross-cultural identity


In this episode of “Negra Como Soy” on Culturs Global Network, Doni and Dr. Rhonda introduce themselves and their stories.

Growing up internationally and cross-culturally

Doni, a Trinidadian-Costa Rican who grew up in Trinidad and Tobago, Spain, the United States (New Mexico and New York) and Turkey and other countries before college, and Rhonda, an Afro-Honduran who grew up mainly in New Orleans, La., U.S.A., talk about language and talking one way at school and another way at home.

Negra Como Soy: ‘Where are you from?’

The two ladies also talk about the “Where are you from?” question from an Afro-Latina perspective. How kids when Rhonda was growing up had trouble figuring out whether she was from the U.S. or someplace else, even though she grew up in New Orleans. Also how going to her mother’s country of Honduras “always felt like going home for me.”

They also talk about living among expatriates as well as “surrendering” oneself into the new place where they are going. Additionally, they discuss how their parents taught them how to introduce themselves when speaking to adults.

Check it out Episode 2 of “Negra Como Soy” on XOTV.com or by clicking below!

Negra Como Soy


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