Coffee Break: iRobot Braava Jet 240 Mop Review


Today on CorporetteMoms we’re talking about how to handle tasks that neither you nor your partner want to do… and one of the big things that neither my husband nor I want to do is mop the floors.

We’ve always had a regular cleaning service for the entire marriage, so it never quite came up before — but we stopped it in March 2020, and haven’t quite found a regular replacement yet. We’ve spot cleaned the floors, obviously, but neither one of us cares to mop the entire floors on a regular basis.

My solution to this was to buy this robot mop from iRobot. I’ve had Roombas in the past, and, to be honest, wasn’t that impressed — I remember them getting stuck under couches and not really working well with a mixed situation with hardwood floors, tile, and rugs. (Plus my husband is relatively obsessive/compulsive about vacuuming (thank goodness), so we haven’t needed to do it too regularly.

I got the smaller of the two mops iRobot offered (this was is $150 at Amazon, I believe the other is $350); we’ve since bought reusable cloth pads that seem to work well. It kind of buzzes in the background while I work, and the floors are markedly cleaner. It’s even inspiring me to sweep on a more regular basis, so I can then run the robot mop. It runs out of battery pretty quickly (two hours maybe), but that’s fine for the amount of attention I’m willing to pay to it.

Readers, do you have any cleaning hacks you love (or mopping hacks)?

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Psst: some of our favorite books on cleaning:

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